Monday 14 March 2011

Jail products outlet in district court campus : a historical step

The first Outlet Of Jail Products in District Courts in India

Recently , yesterday , the District Courts of East and North-East District , the Karkardooma Courts have created once again a mile stone not only in social justice . Earlier also establishing the Judicial Academy , Permanent Mediation Centre , Lok Adalat , Evening Courts , and the first e -courts in the country any many others achievements had been named to this District Court . Yesterday , the first Outlet of the famous Tihar jail products was inaugareted and opened for mass . The present Chief Justice of the Hon'ble High Court of Delhi inagurated this outlet for not only the litigants but also for lawyers and staff members .

Inaugration stone

The Item displayed are made by the prisoners in tihar

Rate list

The principle behind this idea is the moral that , " Hate crime , not the criminals ". To give them the positive attitude towards life and society many schools, skill training , education , sports are being provided by the jail authority to help the prisoners not only to keep them busy but also to learn and earn by doing these things .As the list Shows itself that more than fifty items are made by those hands which were banned by the law to not work in the society .

This Outlet has not only attracted the mass people coming to court today but the items like , fruit cake , biscuits, and Namkeen were sold hand to hand today .They are not only delicious but looks cheaper than the the market .Apart this , the people buying items there are seen to be more happy and curious while knowing the makers of this TJS .....meant for Tihar jail Special . The items other than eatables selled today were the cotton shirts, file covers and envelops. Hope that these new experiments could divert those peoples who in any conditions lossed their way of life .